
For African Schools​

Integrating African films as a core learning resource in Africa’s education systems.

Extensive Collection of Educational Resources & Films

We are on a mission to make learning highly exciting, interactive, and imaginative. Our platform sets a new standard by offering teachers and students across all educational levels access to a captivating array of quality African films, thoughtfully curated excerpts, comprehensive film guides, and meticulously crafted lesson guides.

How we do it

Acquiring African films

We undertake extensive film research, selection and licensing of films made by Africans for Africans about Africa and publish on our platform with accompanying lesson plans and film guides. 

Delivering the Programme & Learning

We partner with educators to create curriculum-linked lesson plans, film guides, and excerpts. This collaboration enhances teaching effectiveness and provides students with a high-quality, engaging learning experience.

Access to Educational Institutions

We undertake extensive film research, selection and licensing of films made by Africans for Africans about Africa and publish on our platform with accompanying lesson plans and film guides. 

A dynamic film in education platform offers

Benefits to all our stakeholders


A superior, highly interactive, and entertaining learning journey woven with the richness of African culture. ​

Educators and Learning Institutions​

Access a variety of digitized educational tools and resources aligned with the current curriculums.


Unlock a continent-wide film distribution channel and captivate a massive young audience eager for thrilling African stories.


A dedicated partner to grow the African film industry from its current value of $5 billion towards its $20 billion potential, promote digitized learning to over 260 million students across Africa and reinforce African economies through job creation in film, technology and education.

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