Expression of Interest

Climate Storytelling is a high school program designed to help students cultivate a deep understanding of climate change effects in their communities and explore actionable solutions through impactful storytelling. This initiative is hosted on TUNGA Afrika, an innovative online platform that incorporates African films as fundamental learning resources in the educational systems for African schools

Think: Human experiences that shape our world, seen through a crucial climate lens.

Climate Storytelling is your chance to:

  • Become an agent of change through compelling storytelling.
  • Learn from inspiring African narratives deeply rooted in climate justice.
  • Develop the skills to tell powerful stories that matter through mentorship in your filmmaking process by experienced film professionals.
  • Receive an automatic invitation to participate in the annual film patrons Climate Story Lab convening.
  • Connect with the wider vibrant storytelling community in Kenya and beyond.

If you wish to participate in the climate film category in the upcoming Kenya National Drama and Film Festival 2025, please go through these guidelines,  fill out where required and submit online. 


  • Theme: Climate experiences of your community. Think Stories that go beyond the doom and gloom to reveal communities or people who are solving problems through innovation and bold solutions.
  • Genre: Fiction or Documentary.
  • Style: Narrative style. Ditch the talking heads! Focus on a narrative style that shows, not tells. Think observation, visuals, and experiences.
  • Length: Strictly 10 minutes
  • Language: Speak your truth! English, Swahili, or local languages are all welcome. Just add subtitles for everyone to enjoy.
  • Collaboration is key: Actively team up with at least three other clubs in your school or community and allow for their participation. Together, you’ll create a stronger story.
  • Target Audience: Who are you trying to reach? Peers, community leaders, the global stage? Define your viewers.

Winners will be awarded:

We will present up to four awards, including trophies, film screening grants, and distribution deals.

Submission Deadline:

Don’t miss out! Submissions are due on 30th September 2024.

Complete Your Registration Below

001. Mombasa
  • 001. Mombasa
  • 002. Kwale
  • 003. Kilifi
  • 004. Tana River
  • 005. Lamu
  • 006. Taita-Taveta
  • 007. Garissa
  • 008. Wajir
  • 009. Mandera
  • 010. Marsabit
  • 011. Isiolo
  • 012. Meru
  • 013. Tharaka-Nithi
  • 014. Embu
  • 015. Kitui
  • 016. Machakos
  • 017. Makueni
  • 018. Nyandarua
  • 019. Nyeri
  • 020. Kirinyaga
  • 021. Murang’a
  • 022. Kiambu
  • 023. Turkana
  • 024. West Pokot
  • 025. Samburu
  • 026. Trans Nzoia
  • 027. Uasin Gishu
  • 028. Elgeyo Marakwet
  • 029. Nandi
  • 030. Baringo
  • 031. Laikipia
  • 032. Nakuru
  • 033. Narok
  • 034. Kajiado
  • 035. Kericho
  • 036. Bomet
  • 037. Kakamega
  • 038. Vihiga
  • 039. Bungoma
  • 040. Busia
  • 041. Siaya
  • 042. Kisumu
  • 043. Homa Bay
  • 044. Migori
  • 045. Kisii
  • 046. Nyamira
  • 047. Nairobi
0 / 0
0 / 0

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